04 December - 04 December
Family Constellations
Event hosts: Rod Burn
"Family Constellations is a methodology based on the understanding that families are dynamic, interactivesystems and that the experience and conduct of each member affects all other members, even inter- generationally. Family experiences (eg. war, displacement, loss, shame) that remain unresolved in onegeneration can pass to following generations who “take -on” these experiences in order to attempt to “balance” the family system and resolve these “open windows” The stew that you were cooked in makes you the flavour that you are. Those who went before, all added flavour to the stew." - Rod Burn, our Constellations FacilitatorThe constellation process is an accessible and powerful modality for self-introspection and healing. We welcome anyone who feels called to participate. Please contact Ans on 071 406 0260 to reserve your space at our next Constellation.
It is R150 to attend. If you are a regular member of our constellation group, you do not have to pay extra to have your personal constellation done.
For newcomers who would just like to be constellated, the fee is R1500.
Event host & therapist