Amani house offers a space where many different types of holistic retreats are held with a focus on awareness, self-development and enhancing your fullest potential. The retreats offer a chance to learn about living more harmoniously with the environment and leading a sustainable lifestyle. The property offers a unique experience to learn, grow and share ideas to enhance our potential and be guided by experts from all over the world. Being on the property you are transported to an enchanted land that leaves a lingering echo of peace and happiness long after you leave. 

We have many beautiful facilities on the property, including a large temple space, a smaller hall for yoga and meditation, a crystal labyrinth, an expanse of peaceful gardens and an eco-pool.

If you are wanting to host a retreat of your own at Amani House, please Contact Us Here

If you are looking for a retreat to attend, have a look at our upcoming retreats below.

Our Retreats

“Unless you are willing to experience new things You’ll never realize your full potential” 

Wim Hof

Upcoming Retreats

Sign up now for one of the upcoming retreats!